Category: Diary

Flying Over The Caribbean

About: We often focus too much on the destinations that we forget the journey is often times the best part, and the sky is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Highlights: When you're flying from the States to St. Maarten, you'll pass by the Bahamas. It's a joy seeing all the different islands below and imagine what it's like living on a tiny dot in the middle of the vast ocean. Remember to have your map out ready! Continue reading

Blog Library

Lately I’ve been searching and reading through numerous blogs of Caribbean medical students, from large schools like St. George’s University to smaller ones like St. James School of Medicine. I would like to create a comprehensive list, essentially a “blog library” where prospective students can reference to get a taste of what life is like in each school in the… Continue reading

Ten More Days!

Ten more days. I just cannot believe how time has flown by, not just this summer, but these past four years as a post-bacc, and the quarter century that it took for me to realize my dreams. After years of planning, learning, and preparing for my future, reality has suddenly hit me. I am actually going to medical school. Should… Continue reading

Hotels in SXM

Great news! My family and Irene’s family want to come visit me during my white coat ceremony weekend for about 3-4 days, and so the past few days I’ve been reading countless hotel reviews on tripadvisor. I looked for hotels in Cupecoy, Maho, or Simpson Bay, all within 3-4 miles of AUC. As they will be out and about throughout… Continue reading

Why am I a Caribbean Med Student?

If you asked me just a year ago, I would have never thought I’d go to medical school in the Caribbean. Throughout my pre-medical years, particularly the first year, I have often heard fellow classmates call Caribbean med schools the “last resort” and scoff that students who attend these schools are substandard, and therefore become substandard doctor. These thoughts sunk… Continue reading


As of September 2013, AUC provides all students with electronic textbooks via a platform called Vital Source, which you can access via computer, iPad, or iPhone. These electronic textbooks are convenient in that you no longer need to carry heavy books around, and it is much easier to search for keywords within the book with a simple “Ctrl F”… Continue reading

Why the American University of the Caribbean (AUC)?

After doing much research, I feel that the American University of the Caribbean (AUC) prepares students well to become physicians. It has one of the top medical programs in the Caribbean, and with more than 30 years of history (established 1978), it has a proven track record. Most graduates obtain very decent residencies and some even very prestigious ones like… Continue reading