New Head TAs
This semester, I’ve really enjoyed being a TA in anatomy lab, assisting students in the learning process and at the same time reviewing the material myself and getting more opportunities in working with the cadavers. I’ve spent 28 extra hours so far in the lab this semester, and I’ve learned from the head TA’s how to do a craniotomy, expose the thoracic cavity, and do a hemisection of the pelvis. I’ve really enjoyed working behind the scenes and setting up mock exams for the first semester students and because I want to do more of all of this, I walked into Dr. N’s office Friday afternoon to interview for one of the three new head TA positions open for the upcoming semester.
I am happy to announce that Haley, Arif, and I will be the new anatomy head TA’s for the next two semesters. This semester, the three of us have probably contributed the most extra hours to the lab. We work well together, filling each others gaps, and I look forward to collaborating with them, the TAs, the faculty, and the first-semester students.
I am pretty excited. I feel my experience as a head TA would also be invaluable in letting me learn how to work with a team, lead a team, and organize tasks as a future doctor. Next semester will be quite busy for me as I serve as an SGA class representative, blogger, orientation advisor (which is only for the beginning of the semester), and a head TA in anatomy lab, while my academic workload continues to pile on. Learning how to balance all of these activities will be a challenge but I consider it as part of my greater medical education.