AUC Campus
I remember when I was applying to medical schools, I’ve always been curious as to what the campuses of these schools look like, besides what they show on their websites. St. George’s University has pictures of their campus all over their site because they are the largest school and have a beautiful campus as well, worthy to be shown. For Ross University, campus pictures took me a little more effort to find. In fact, it was actually searching for Ross pics that led me to Kendra’s blog, which inspired me to make a blog myself. For AUC, there were campus pictures from blogs, forums, and the school website, but not enough that could orient me as to what exactly I was looking at. What I learned from my search is that schools with beautiful campuses are not afraid to put pictures of their campus on their website, while schools that are small or do not have nice campuses (or even those who do not have permanent campuses at all) try to avoid revealing what their campuses look like on their websites, and this to me is a red flag.
Compared with its two main competitors, Ross and SGU, AUC is the smallest of the three, with the smallest class sizes (although this is increasing), smallest number of divisions (only one school of medicine), and the smallest campus as well. The campus may be small, but it is nice and cute, well-maintained, and has an extraordinary view. The entire campus is surrounded by a wall, which gives it a realm of its own, outside the distractions of the “real world” that lay beyond the walls, yet easily accessible to it as well. This “bubble” creates an academic atmosphere and fosters a familiar sense of community for all that come into it. There’s just an unexplainable charm here.
As of September 2013, there are three main buildings on campus: the old academic building, the new academic building, and the dormitory. There are also a few minor buildings and structures on campus as well, like the old gym/SGA office, old ICM building, the powerplant, and the gazebos.
Here, I’ve put together some pictures of campus for whoever is interested in seeing what AUC’s campus looks like from the outside. For pictures of the dorms, click here. For pictures of the classrooms and facilities, click here. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: AUC’s campus has changed quite a bit since I left campus in 2011, and I’ve updated the following photos to reflect these changes. I’ve included pictures of the new academic building (built May 2012 – Sept 2013), which houses new small group study rooms, faculty offices, a 400-seat auditorium, market/cafe, student lounge, anatomy lab, dry lab, examination facility, and hospital simulation lab. Due to the construction of the new building, there is no longer a field nor a basketball court. However, an outdoor basketball half-court and a futsal court has been set up in front of the dorms. The old anatomy lab was converted into a new gym, the cafeteria was revamped, and an ATM was added to campus. There used to be a playground on campus for the children of students, however, that has been removed.