Category: Diary

In Transition

As many of you know, I have recently finished medical school, passed the Step 2 CK exam and am in the process of applying to residency programs in Family Medicine. I have almost two-thirds of a year before starting residency (fingers-crossed). In the meantime, I have moved back to my hometown of Macon, Georgia, and started working full-time with my… Continue reading


Got my diploma in the mail. 🙂 Although there are several graduation dates per year when diplomas are issued out, there is only one graduation ceremony each year, which takes place in May on St. Maarten. I always thought that it was beautiful to end your journey where you began, on the island, but now with a different perspective. As… Continue reading


“PASS” … I can’t explain how relieved those four letters made me feel when I opened my USMLE Step 2 CK exam score report on my computer screen. After countless hours of study, an ever-receding hairline, and lots of patience and support on my wife’s part, I’ve passed my last exam in medical school, and my last requirement for graduation.… Continue reading

UK Clinicals and Spouses Visas

For those of you who are planning on going to the UK for clinical rotations, the UKBA has recently made some changes regarding visas for spouses that are important to know. Thank you to AUC Spouses Jamie Grove and Melissa Hollingsworth for providing the following post regarding these changes: Attention All Spouses All spouses considering pursuing clinical rotations in the… Continue reading

Electives At University of Florida Shands Medical Center

Hi Folks, A big hello from sunny Gainesville Florida! At last, I have completed my last core rotation, which was surgery in London, and am now finishing off my medical education with a few more elective rotations. I’ve decided to do Neurology, Nephrology, and Cardiology (4 weeks each) at the University of Florida’s Shands Hospital because I heard great things… Continue reading


In the mornings when I arrive at the operation theaters, I see a list of different surgeries happening that day. There may be a cholecystectomy in one room, or a knee replacement surgery in another, a thyroidectomy happening now, or a brain biopsy scheduled in a few hours. If I hadn’t seen a particular surgery before, I can decide to… Continue reading

Basketball Dunking Skills

“I want to see your basketball dunking skills” my attending said to me, handing me the laparoscopic surgical tools that stuck halfway out of our patient’s abdomen. I was hesitant. I had never done anything like this before. I’ve always been used to using my hands, and trusting my fingers to directly carry out my commands seemingly without thought. But… Continue reading