My Very Rough Composition…
of an AUC wikipedia article in Chinese…
I’ve been speaking Mandarin Chinese all my life, and never learned how to read and write it until the end of high school. Speaking and writing are completely different, especially literary writing. The grammar, and even specific terms you use are different. I’ve always wanted to be proficient in Chinese writing composition, but it has been difficult, being American-born and educated, and growing up in the deep South. However, over the years in my spare time as a hobby, I’ve picked it up little by little, and now, I need to put what I’ve learned to good use!
Check it out!
加勒比美國大學(英語:American University of the Caribbean,AUC)為一位於荷屬安地列斯聖馬丁之私立醫學院。本校大多數的學生與教員是美國人。教學語言是英語。
1978年8月14日,加勒比美國大學創校.第一班有107個新生.校園於蒙塞拉特島建之中,學生暫時在美国俄亥俄州辛辛那堤市上學。 1980年,校園在蒙塞拉特島開發。 1989年,校園於蒙塞拉特島被颶風烏戈摧毀.學校暫時移到美國德州。 1990年,校園修理好之後,學校搬回蒙塞拉特島。 1995年7月18日,蒙塞拉特島火山爆發。本島多處被毀滅而三分之二人口逃往外國。加勒比美國大學校園摧毀。學校暫時移到伯利兹。 1996年,學校暫時移到荷屬安地列斯聖馬丁島。開始建新校園。 1998年,於聖馬丁島之新校園開發。 2002年,加勒比美國大學建新宿舍。
So, what do you think?
Anyone have any tips on better ways to reword sentences, or better terms to use? Does it sound right? Thanks!
*UPDATE 2/5/10*
Thank you so much!
我阅读和书写中文. 当我说中文我坏.
哇! 妳在學中文嗎? 很好很好!