Second Language
Throughout my life, I grew up speaking English in public and Mandarin Chinese at home. They are my first languages and I speak them both fluently. In middle school, I started learning Spanish at school, and since my brain was still going through lateralization at that age, I retained a good bit of it. During high school, I became a language fanatic and attempted to learn a little bit of Japanese, Swahili, Hindi, and Egyptian Hieroglyphics. In College I took two semesters of Arabic and a semester of German. I also picked up some Taiwanese from my family. Right before I came to St. Maarten, my favorite CDs to listen to in the car was Pimsleur’s Beginner’s French Audio Lessons, and just today, I learned that a chin is not called a chin but a mental protuberance.
I’m a little bit old now for second language acquisition… but I’m trying. Check out what I’ve learned so far in my new language!
You forgot about the glabella!!
You know your face anatomy well!
Hi! I’m very interested in learning Spanish. I have the basic grammar down and can speak at a three year old’s level. However what I really need now is practice! Would you say St Maarten is a good place to get this experience? What about any of the other “Big 4” Caribbean med schools? Thanks!
No, las islas en el Caribe donde se habla Espanol son Cuba, Republica Dominicana, y Puerto Rico. No hay muchos hispanohablantes en Sint Maarten, Dominica, Saba, o Grenada.