AUC Fitness Center

As aspiring physicians, we are people who should be not only championing health but also keeping up with our own health as well to be a model for our patients. We must practice what we preach. This is especially true in med school when we could get too focused in the books and not allow ourselves a break to move around and stretch a bit. Luckily, we have a gym on campus where we can take exercise breaks anytime.

Where is the gym located?

As of July 2014, the AUC gym has relocated from the SGA office building to a larger facility in the left wing of the old academic building in the former anatomy lab. There are weights, machines, and treadmills. There is a room with a ping-pong table and dart board, as well as a group fitness room, and a lounge with couches and TV. It’s a big improvement from the gym that I remember. Check out footage from the old gym.

What are the opening hours of the gym?

The gym is open 24/7.

Can I use the gym if I’m a spouse?

Yes. Students, faculty, staff, spouses/significant others, family members of students… anyone who is part of the AUC community can use the gym. There is no cost to use the gym.

Are there fitness classes on campus?

Yes, there are fitness classes several days a week. As they are taught by students, spouses, and faculty members, the types of classes may change semester-to-semester. During my first semester (September 2009), there was aerobics, salsa, martial arts, and swing dancing. This semester (May 2010), there is swing dancing, yoga/pilates, meditation, dance aerobics, and belly dancing. All the classes are open to anyone in the AUC community and are all free.

Who do I go to if I want a new piece of gym equipment?

The gym is maintained by a student gym manager as well as a team of gym staff, who are all students. The gym manager works with the Student Government Association as well as the school to maintain, upgrade, and add equipment to the gym.

The new gym, relocated to the former anatomy lab. July 2014
Lots of free weights at the new gym.
There’s a decent selection of weight and cardio machines, enough for most people. If you are a hardcore lifter, there are other gyms in the neighborhood as well.