American and Canadian English
When I was younger, I’ve traveled quite a bit through Canada, but never have I personally known as many Canadians as I do now after coming to AUC… they are my friends, my colleagues, and even my professors. Despite being completely different countries, for the most part we are similar culturally, socially, and linguistically. Yet, there are just some differences that I can’t help but notice. Here are some typical ones…
AMERICAN: I can’t wait to take the USMLE after I leave this rock!
CANADIAN: I can’t wait to write the USMLE after I leave this rock!
AMERICAN: The diaphragm is a SKEH-leh-tal muscle.
CANADIAN: The diaphragm is a skuh-LEE-tal muscle.
NIGERIAN: The diaphragm is a skuh-LEE-tal muzzel.
AMERICAN: How come we always get our grades back so late for Physio?
CANADIAN: How come we always get our marks back so late for Physio?
AMERICAN: The water fountain’s out-side!
CANADIAN: The water fountain’s ote-side!
AMERICAN: That BAYZ-il chicken at Thai Savanh was so good!
CANADIAN: That BAZZ-il chicken at Thai Savanh was so good!
AMERICAN: CAP-illary hemangiomas often regress after birth.
CANADIAN: ca-PILL-ary hemangiomas often regress after birth.
AMERICAN: Please look in your course SKEH-jool for the exam dates.
CANADIAN: Please look in your course SHEH-jool for the exam dates.
AMERICAN: Write the letters A through ZEE.
CANADIAN: Write the letters A through ZED.
AMERICAN: GOUT can be treated with colchicine.
CANADIAN: GOAT can be treated with colchicine.
I’m sure we all sound funny to each other. What do y’all think?