Anatomy Block 1
Block 1: Back and Upper Limb
- Median Nerve vs. Ulnar Nerve: MEAT LOAF
- Median Nerve innervates most Flexor Forearm muscles except: Flexor Carpi Ulnaris and Flexor Digitorum Profundus, which are both innervated by ulnar nerve.
- Ulnar Nerve innervates most Hand muscles except: Lumbricals 1 &2, Opponens Pollicis, Abductor Pollicis Brevis, Flexor Pollicis Brevis (Superficial head), which are all innervated by Median Nerve. “MEAT LOAF”
- Hand Nerve Pathologies: DR. CUMAB
- DR = Radial Nerve damage –> Drop Wrist
- CU = Ulnar Nerve damage –> Claw Hand
- MAB = Median Nerve Damage –> Ape Hand, Benediction Hand
- Ulna vs. Radius Attachments: HURLS
- HU = Humerus attaches to Ulna
- RLS = Radius attaches to Lunate and Scaphoid
- Scaphoid in Greek means “boat” — scaphoid shaped like boat.